Saturday, October 21, 2017


September 14, 2017

In the two days I spent there, I got a lot done in Portage, IN. But, I was really excited to be getting to Chicago. I was even more excited to be finished with the Great Lakes. Pretty as they are, they treated me poorly. And... they weren't done with me, either.
I got an early start and was underway on calm waters. But, true to form, by the afternoon the wind had picked up and the waves were tossing me around.
I had called ahead and reserved a spot at DuSable Harbor. As I was approaching, I tried to call them on the radio. I also tried to call them on the phone. I got no answers. I managed to find my slip and tied myself in. I thought that I'd get a little more help for $100.00 a night. I found the office to let them know that I had arrived. I also mentioned that I didn't get any answers to my calls. The kid working in the office explained that the radios didn't work in the office. I didn't say anything, but I was thinking that for that kind of money they could get a better radio or a bigger antenna. Oh, well.
I had a shower and treated myself to a couple of beers at the café that was right on the river walk next to the marina.
While enjoying my beer, I asked to look at a menu. They advertised Mediterranean food. I finished my beer and took a long walk over toward Navy Pier. By the time I got back toward the boat, I was hungry. I decided to eat at the same little café. I had lentil soup, kufta on rice, and a nice salad. It was all delicious.
I found out that Monroe Harbor, right next to DuSable, only charges $1 a foot for a mooring ball. So, after breakfast, I moved the boat to Monroe. I'd never grabbed a mooring ball before, but it was fairly easy. I wound up staying on the mooring ball for two nights. The mooring field and DuSable are all run by the city of Chicago. The mooring field is serviced by a couple of tenders that will pick you up and drop you off pretty much on demand. You just have to call them on VHF channel 68. Easy and fun.
After I got moved to the mooring ball I hailed a tender and went out for breakfast. On the walk back I decided to do some grocery shopping. I Ubered back to the boat with my groceries. I then spent the afternoon walking around Navy Pier and having a few beers on the pier. The weather was gorgeous, so I enjoyed my little break.
Next day I did much the same thing, walked, ate, enjoyed. But, the day before I had noticed a big group of people on Segways. I decided to treat myself. I again walked to Navy Pier and found the kiosk that rented the Segways. I asked the young woman at the counter if I could take a Segway tour. She pulled out an appointment book and asked me what day I wanted to go. I responded that I wanted to go now! She said let me check with Matt. They wound up charging me $10.00 more than the regular tour for a private tour with Matt. It was great. I really had a good time learning to ride the Segway and then taking the hour tour.

Tomorrow we enter the river system!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

On to Chicago

September 7 - 14, 2017
After all those days in Pentwater, I finally got to move on down the west coast of Michigan. My first stop was in Muskegon. That's the home of the submarine, USS Silversides. I got into the marina late, therefore I couldn't get a ride to the museum. I guess it's quite the thing. You can arrange to overnight on-board the WWII sub.
I fueled up when I arrived and the dockhand who helped me fill up directed me to the slip I'd be tied up in for the night. After I was secured into the slip, I asked him where the office was so I could pay for the slip. He said that I shouldn't worry about it as it was late in the season. So, I got a free night in a nice slip.
Big Red Lighthouse, Holland, MI
I headed out early the next morning bound for Lake Macatawa and Eldean Shipyard. Eldean's is a pretty big operation. I got tied in for the night and took an Uber to Walmart. I got my prescriptions renewed and took on some fresh food. The next morning, as I was checking out, I noticed that they had an end-of-season sale on long-sleeved T-shirts. It was cold, so I bought one. And, glad I did.
Next stop, South Haven. Big, confusing marina. I got lost trying to find where I was supposed to tie up. I had to pull into an empty slip and, while I left the motor running, ran to an office to determine where I was supposed to be. Turns out there is a north marina and a south marina. I was talking to south thinking it was north and trying to follow backwards directions. It took some doing but I finally got squared away and spend a pleasant evening. I had been eating aboard my boat for awhile, so I decided to treat myself to pizza and a couple of beers. That went so well that the next morning, I decided to treat myself to breakfast at Captain Nemo's. Great breakfast. Good way to start another long cruising day.
St. Joseph North Pier Lighthouse
I headed out for St. Joe. Kind of a short day, only 21 miles. The weather was pretty nice, no wind. I pulled in to the fuel dock and topped off the tank. A whole bunch of people on the dock started asking a million questions about the boat, me, and the Great Loop. That's always fun. After fueling, I cruised over to my slip. There was only one person working, so I got no help pulling into the slip or tying up. It was a nice evening. I ate dinner on-board and had a pretty good night's sleep.
Continuing south, my next port of call was the New Buffalo Marina. Another confusing entry to the marina. I managed to find the wrong marina. I tied up and walked around and finally figured out that it was a condo marina. Got it figured out and I got tied into the right place. I had a nice shower in a nice facility and decided to go out to dinner. I walked to within 100 yards of the restaurant row near the marina only to hear screaming football fans. I turned around and had dinner on-board. No problem. I charted my next day's cruise and found that this was my last day in Michigan. Tomorrow, I'll be in Indiana.
I set out early for Portage, Indiana. Nice staff, nice facility. I needed to stay for a couple of days. I had to make another eye doctor appointment. I managed to find a retinal specialist in a nearby town. I had to get up early to take an Uber to the office. I decided to have a shower that first evening in Portage so I could save time in the morning. I walked up to the shower room and got nothing but cold water. I did the best I could and went to bed.
I did get up early and I got an Uber over to the office. Got my eyes taken care of and headed back to the marina. I stopped at Walmart on the way back.
When I got back to the marina, I complained about the shower and the woman running the place said that she'd give me one night free. She later wrote to me and said that the nearly 20 year-old boiler needed significant repairs.
So, two nights in Indiana and off to Chicago.