Monday, May 1, 2017


So, I get to Tarpon Springs and an old friend and colleague gets in touch on Facebook and says that he had been in Tarpon Springs the day before. We had only recently reconnected on Facebook after about 15 years. We were both in IT training back in the '90s. On several occasions, when we were both in DC, we'd hit an oyster bar. Good times. So, Don stays in touch and we were both able to be in Gulfport at the same time.
Don took this of me and added
"I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by"
I cruised in and we met on the dock. I fueled up and Don jumped on the boat for the short trip over to my dock space. Don was kind enough to take me out to lunch. We caught up on family, work, and travel. A good reunion. Thanks, Don!
Don had to take off and he dropped me back to the marina. I did a few things on the boat and decided to check-in on Facebook. No sooner do I check-in than another friend and colleague says, "Hey I happen to be in Gulfport right now." Amazing! Robert and I worked together on my last contract before I retired. He was at a restaurant about half a mile away from the marina. I grabbed a shower and Uber'd over to the restaurant. Robert was there with his husband, Chrys. They've been in Florida for several years now. It was really great to catch up with them, too.

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