Monday, June 5, 2017


Over a month ago, I said that I was going to recap month one. I never did. So, here is some of the data from my first month cruising:
Cruised - 505.4 nautical miles (according to my GPS)
Burned - 82.5 gallons of diesel fuel
Spent - $206.40 (avg 2.50 per gal)
Marina Nights - 21
Anchor Out - 7
Free Docks - 2
Too many nights in marinas and not enough on anchor. But, I was forced to stay in marinas longer than anticipated because of foul weather.

Second month cruising:
Cruised - 730.5 nautical miles
Burned - 85.95 gallons of diesel fuel
Spent - $223.32 (avg 2.60 per gal)
Marina Nights - 18
Anchor Out - 10
Free Docks - 3
An improvement in the anchor out vs. marina ratio. This month's excuse is that I had to wait for engine parts for some overdue routine maintenance.

All in all, not too bad. I wanted to make Norfolk, VA by June 1. I didn't make that, but I'm not going to miss by too much. It's about 220 miles from here to Norfolk.
I met a couple from Annapolis here in Morehead City. They are on their way home and plan on being in Annapolis in about 2 weeks. They cruise at about the same speed that I do. It'll be exciting to get to Maryland. I hope to stop by St. Mary's College of Maryland. I haven't even looked at the Chesapeake, yet. I guess I'll have to get some planning done.

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