Saturday, September 23, 2017


August 28, 2017
The crossing from Beaver Island to Charlevoix was a little bumpier than expected, but not as bad as the day before.
Charlevoix is a beautiful town and the marina there is first class. I got tied in a registered. I got the directions for the showers and men's room. The office staff also mentioned a grocery store within walking distance, so I got a refill of supplies.
I was walking back to the boat when I spotted a platinum AGLCA flag. I think I've said this before, but white flag is on the loop, gold flag is completed loop, platinum flag is two or more completed loops. The couple on the boat flying the flag invited me on-board for a drink. We talked about looping and boats and Charlevoix. They mentioned that they had had dinner at The East Park Tavern. Good steak! I had been craving a steak, so when we parted company, I walked the short way into town and treated myself to a ribeye steak. I also had a couple of All Day IPAs.
For late August, the weather was pretty cold and rainy. I stopped at a little shop and bought a lined, nylon jacket, close-out price twenty bucks.
The same couple invited me back for after dinner drinks on their boat. We spent a pleasant evening drinking whiskey and talking about our lives.

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