Monday, March 20, 2017

Phase 3: Complete

I successfully dragged the trailer home! I was pretty worried the whole time I was on the road.  I almost got stuck in a motel parking lot. A little extra gas got the trailer to jump the curb. The lane was really narrow. I've never towed anything that big or that heavy before, but my little CR-V rose to the task. Even making it the last two miles to the house in the middle of a snow storm (with lots of thanks to my neighbor, Doug). 
I'm home for about 2 weeks. Getting my taxes done tomorrow (3/20/2017). That's always fun. I've got several doctors appointments to attend to. But, the boat is never far from my mind. While I'm here, the same guy that installed the GPS antenna and the auxiliary bilge pump will be installing a Garmin radar set and a board on which I can mount my little outboard motor. I want to mount the outboard on the big boat so that I won't have to tow the dinghy with the motor clamped on.
I've been trying to get this update posted since yesterday. But, I keep getting interrupted. This last interruption was good news. The radar is on-board as is the motor mount for my little outboard. Progress!

On left: Radome on mast  Center: Outboard on swim rails  Right Outboard from above
Click for bigger pictures.

I'm still on schedule to fly to Pensacola on Tuesday (3/28/2017).

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