Saturday, April 1, 2017

Day 1, as they say, in the books.
I flew back to Pensacola on Tuesday. My friend, Kasia, picked me up at the airport and, after a quick dinner, delivered me back to the boat.
I spent Wednesday trying to do all the things I thought needed to be done. I spent Thursday, in the pouring rain, buying all the tools and materials I needed to complete all the work. Another expensive day!
So, I spent all day Friday working. I replaced the joker valve (don't ask). I finished changing the oil. I modified the engine's water pump. I painted registration numbers on the dinghy. I programmed the VHF radio with its MMSI. As required by the FCC. I hung my spare anchor on the bow rail. I emptied all the accumulated trash. And, when it was all done, I showered and took myself out to dinner. Got back to the boat and crashed... hard.
I got up this morning and took my time getting ready. I checked out of the marina. I made another trash run. I got the decks and the cockpit cleared and tied down. With lots of help from the neighbors and a gentleman who had just checked into the park, I got the dinghy hooked to the back of the boat. We cleared the lines and I cast off.
I backed into the channel and loosened the dinghy so that it would tow properly, tooted the horn, and throttled up to about 75% power. Cruising!
Based on the advice of my friend, and neighbor, Amy, I headed for Little Sabine Bay. I had programmed the route into my GPS Map. I just followed it along and after about 4 hours of cruising, here I am. Calm waters, a little breeze, and friendly neighbors. Two guys just approached the boat in a dinghy and asked me about my boat and what I'm doing. They thought it was a great little boat, that's why they decided to pop over. We chatted for a minute and they left. They are on a sailboat celebrating one of the wives' birthdays.
I just called my kids to let them know of my first success. And here I am. Hoping for a peaceful night and another cruise tomorrow.

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