Thursday, November 17, 2016

Phase 2 Complete

It has been a good week. Sunday, I went out for a long cruise. I was out for about 2 hours. I went east for about 1/2 an hour then turned around. I cruised west for an hour and turned around. After another 1/2 an hour, I was back at the Oyster Bar. I spent time learning the Garmin GPS. It's pretty cool. I did a little maneuvering just to see how she turns and backs-up.
Monday, I went for a longer cruise. I was out nearly 4 hours. I again cruised east and nearly made it to the Gulf of Mexico. I didn't quite make it. I guess trying the Gulf will be on January's agenda. I ran into a bit more traffic this time. There is a lot of barge traffic on the intra-coastal waterway. Some of them are huge.
Great Blue Heron
Tuesday and Wednesday, I worked at two elementary schools. The staff were all quite nice and grateful for the assistance. I guess it's tough getting subs. One of the administrators told me I could work every day if I wanted to. We'll see. I just want to keep busy and enjoy snow-birding.
Today, I spent some time with the factory rep. We again went over systems. I'm pretty confident that I can handle the boat. There are a lot of modifications I'd like to make and a lot of equipment that I'd like to have on board.
I had a visitor the other day. He just kept hanging around. But, I didn't have my camera and I thought for sure that as soon as I moved he'd fly off. I slowly made my way to the cabin, got my camera, and made to back to my seat. He never moved.
And speaking of wildlife, while I was on my long cruise, I spotted what I thought was a ray leaping out of the water. Google says sure enough, manta rays leap out of the water. Who knew?
Well, I've become convinced that I can live aboard! The conditions will be a little primitive, but the bunk is reasonable, the head works, the stove works, and the sink works.
Phase 3 will start in mid-January. I've made arrangements for a slip about a 1/2 mile down the road. They've been kind enough to let me use their shower and laundry facilities for the last two weeks. So, I'm looking forward to "moving in".

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