Sunday, November 13, 2016

Phase 2 Continues

It has been a week of trials, travails, and finally triumph.
I mentioned the battery problem. The new battery seems to have solved the start problem. The boat's registration remained a problem until yesterday (Saturday 11/12). The registration was sent to the marina and it arrived yesterday.
I couldn't move the boat without a proper registration. I went and bought numbers to apply to the sides of the boat. I got that done today. The numbers are a little sloppy, but considering that the boat was moving up and down in the water and my feet were in that same cold water, not too bad.
I'm still learning the systems, GPS, radio, stove, refrigerator, batteries, the list goes on. But, it's all coming together.
I got the information on how to get substitute teacher assignments. I've got assignments for Tuesday and Wednesday. Should be fun.
So, after buying a ton of stuff, sleeping aboard for several days, fixing several problems, applying the registration numbers, I finally got to take her out for a little cruise. So, without further ado, here is Traveler's Wake.
Traveler's Wake

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