Saturday, May 13, 2017

Anchoring Out

But, before I get to anchoring out, I'd like to say thanks. I want to thank all the folks who like my entries on Facebook, who comment on my blog entries, who have called to check on me, and who Skype me. This has been an amazing journey. I've learned a lot. I've met so many interesting people. I've been helped by a lot of nice people. It's just great!
I left Loggerhead Marina the other morning and headed to an anchorage about 35 nm. away. It was a pretty nice cruise. The weather was fine. But, as always there were the Captains Oblivious, Unconcerned, and Indifferent. I got waked so many times. Other that that, good cruise. I arrived at the cove where I wanted to anchor and found (even though it was listed as an anchorage) a mooring field. Not just any mooring field, but a completely full mooring field. I poked around a bit and decided against trying to stay. I went a little farther up the ICW and poked into a little inlet. Beautiful little spot, completely sheltered and just enough depth for me to stay. I anchored there and enjoyed a peaceful night.
I got up early and enjoyed my morning coffee and cereal. I did my boat check and weighed anchor. I had already plotted my course for the day. So, I followed it out into the channel and proceeded on my way. Another pretty good day cruising. A bit of wind and overcast skies made for a cool cruise. I made it to my destination early in the afternoon and anchored. The forecast was for westerly winds, so I anchored close to the western shore of the cove for some protection. Of course, as soon as I got anchored, the wind shifted to the east. So, now I'm getting a little beat up. But, the winds seem to be calming. I guess I'll stay put for now.
A Rant: In February, my credit union announced that they were issuing new debit cards. More secure, they said. More convenient, they said. Of course they didn't mention the inconvenience of my having to update all my accounts that use that card. They also didn't mention that the card couldn't be forwarded (I live in WV, but I'm in FL). I had to jump through hoops, but finally got my new card.
I'm off on my adventure and my card gets refused. I call and am told that there's a fraud alert on my card. I call the CU and they ask something like did I buy X at location Y. Yes! I did!. OK, we'll remove the alert. everything will be fine, now. Well, this happens at least 3 more times. Each time I spend half to three-quarters of an hour on the phone. This is nuts. Finally, they tell me that they'll tag my account as traveling in the US. Duh!.
What happens two days later? Yep, I look at my account and there's a $344.78 charge from a Target in Mesquite, Texas. I, of course, call to report it and they cancel my card. Isn't that convenient? And, more secure?
Oh, well. Back to cruising tomorrow. Now that I've been out two nights, I need groceries and fuel.

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