Monday, May 29, 2017

Connie and Stan

I had been in touch with Connie and Stan since the trip's inception. Stan said that he wouldn't let me continue up the Florida coast unless I stopped in to visit. So, after my night in Coquina Marina, I set course for Palm Coast (where Stan and Connie live). I found a marina, aptly named Palm Coast Marina and made arrangements to tie-up for the night. I told Stan that I'd call when I arrived.
Palm Coast is a nice marina and the staff are very helpful. I got checked in and tied-up in no time. I gave Stan a call and he said they'd be on their way.
It was really great to see them, has it been 5 years? I showed them around the boat and talked about my adventure, so far. They took me over to their house and showed me around. Lots of FCC (inside joke). Except, I've got FCC, they brought back some really nice FCC. They let me shower, allowed me to do laundry, and insisted that I spend the night. First night not on the boat in two months. Luxury!
They took me out to dinner at a great seafood store and restaurant (the name escapes me). On the way to the restaurant, Connie and Stan showed the shoreline where Matthew had hit. The area is making a comeback, but you can see that the damage was severe. Stan explained that the road was there before Matthew, but was gone after Matthew. Extraordinary work was done to refill all the land that had been washed away. Once at the restaurant, we talked more about my adventure. We talked about the travel job and all the places we'd been to. We continued the conversation back at their place. Did I say they've got a really nice place?
Next morning, we were up and out early. The took me to a great breakfast place, redneck eggs benedict (poached eggs on a sausage on a biscuit smothered in sausage gravy). A quick stop at Publix for supplies and I was all set.
They dropped me off at the boat and we bid each other fond farewells. It was a great, too short, visit.

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