Thursday, May 4, 2017

Fort Myers to La Belle

I've had some calm days. I've had some beautiful days. Today was calm, beautiful, and enjoyable beyond words. I'm tied up at the municipal dock in La Belle, Florida. The trip here was amazing, blue skies, big cumulus clouds, and a little breeze to keep the heat down. I cruised past beautiful homes with manicured lawns. But along the Caloosahatchee River, they are not stacked on top of one another. Another amazing thing about today's cruise, virtually no other boats. I guess because it's a weekday.
On day four of the month of May, I've already got nearly 100 nm under me and I'm halfway to Lake Okeechobee. The weather forecast may keep me here tomorrow, but either tomorrow or Saturday I should be on the Lake.
Funny thing happened the other day. My friends from the Carrabelle to Steinhatchee crossing called to check on me and let me know that Ted had to go back to the ER. He got bitten by something. It was healing, but then got worse. But, he is back on the mend, now. They had told their son-in-law to keep an eye out for my boat. He is in the Venice vicinity. He spotted me cruising by and sent the following:

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you're surviving your voyage! We enjoy keeping up with your posts! Be Safe my friend!

    John & Sally
