Monday, June 5, 2017

Kilkenny Marina

My last stop in Georgia was at Kilkenny Marina. I had read about the marina on ActiveCaptain (web site for cruisers). They said that is was a little run down, but the people were really nice and it did provide basic services. ActiveCaptain was correct. I pulled in, got tied up, and fueled up. Real easy.
When I checked in, the dock master mentioned that there was a restaurant just down the road, easily walkable.
To be honest, I didn't expect too much. But, I was very pleasantly surprised by Marker 107. The restaurant is really popular with the local crowd, and with good reason, the food is amazing.
Now, I base this on one visit and on one dish, but the restaurant is great. The seafood jambalaya was one of the specials of the day. I had that and a side of coleslaw. It was absolutely delicious. Lots of fish and shellfish and really good sausage. It was all served over rice.
I also have to say that the wait staff were really nice and I saw the owner making his rounds to the tables.
After dinner, I had a glass of Drambuie. Life is good.

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