Monday, June 19, 2017

St. Mary's College of Maryland

I called the director of alumni relations, Dave Sushinsky, and asked him about tying up on the docks at the river front. Dave checked, called me back, and told me that I would be fine tying up for the night.
It was really cool cruising up the St. Mary's River. I went past the replica of the Dove that is part of Historic St. Mary's City. The Ark and the Dove were the two ships carrying English settlers to the new world. They landed near what is now Point Lookout and established the first city.
I cruised around Church Point and right up to the docks. A couple of students were lounging on the docks and I asked for a little help getting tied in. They were very nice. I introduced myself as a member of the class of '04. They said welcome back.
It was really nice to be back. I sat and talked with one student for an hour or so. She made me feel really connected to the school. There is 50 years difference between us, but we have SMCM in common.
I walked around the campus. Yes, it did bring back a lot of fond memories. I walked over to the bookstore. I was hoping to score a new SMCM T-shirt, but they were closed. As was the Daily Grind, the little coffee shop next to the bookstore. I had been hoping for a cup of Starbucks on Sunday morning, but that was out, too.
Dave told me that the bathrooms and shower room would be open all night, so I availed myself of a nice shower. I went back to the boat and grabbed some wine and a glass. I spent a beautiful evening on the upper deck of the River Center watching the sunset.
Even though it was a bit out of the way, I'm glad that I visited the campus. I'll have to make it a point to get to campus for next year's reunion.
Right now, I'm in Solomons, MD. This, too, is bringing back memories. It appears that I'll be in Annapolis with in the next 2 to 3 days.

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