Friday, July 21, 2017

Cruising the Erie Canal

Yeah... I know... I've been remiss in updating my blog. In my defense, there is a lot of work to cruising. There's the 6 to 8 hours behind the wheel. Then, there's the laundry, shopping, boat maintenance, refueling, taking on water, setting up the next day's navigation, etc. I am having fun. I am seeing a lot of sights. And, it continues to be the adventure of a lifetime. I've met so many nice people, it's extraordinary.
So, out of Waterford the first 5 locks are called the Waterford flight. It is a group of locks that are really close together. When I locked through, it was really hot. Five in a row, by myself, wasn't easy. I was exhausted. But, moving on, I did several more locks and wound up in a marina/RV park. Easy in and easy out. I had a quiet night and slept well.
I got an early start the next morning and headed to Fultonville. There is a free dock there and I wanted to hit it early to make sure I had a space. It was an uneventful day. I'll say that it was gloomy and rainy all day as well. I found my free dock, tied up and spent a pleasant evening there. I called a near-by Walmart and renewed my prescriptions.
When I got up, I walked across the street to the McDonald's for an Egg McMuffin. I do like the occasional McMuffin. I walked back to the boat and got Uber to take me to Walmart. I did some shopping, got my prescriptions, and headed back to the boat.
I had decided on a short cruise, so as soon as I got back to the boat, I started the engine and headed out to Saint Johnsville.
Miniature lighthouse designed and built by the former harbor master for St. Johnsville
St. Johnsville Marina is a municipal marina with fuel, water, and showers. I'm learning that there are precious few marinas on the Erie Canal that provide diesel fuel. I top off every chance I get. The marina was nice and while I was there, they were hosting an Erie Canal bike ride. Several riders walked over to the boat and started asking questions. Of course, as much as I like bike riding, I shot a few questions back. I had a fun evening.

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