Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Finishing the Erie Canal

The last eleven days have been both eventful and uneventful. It's kind of hard to describe. On the one hand cruising along on the Erie Canal is really fun. But, while the scenery is constantly changing, it really doesn't change. Parts of the canal are long straight stretches that are tree lined and pretty. Other parts are zig-zaggy, tree lined and pretty. So, lots of trees, lots of scenery, and lots of sameness. But, I enjoyed every mile.
The locks were hard work. And, I wish I could have gotten some pictures and sounds from inside the locks. Some of the locks are really huge and it's tough (the first couple of times) to look at the huge doors that are holding back tons upon tons of water and think, yeah, it'll be fine. The noise that the doors make on closing is something straight out of a horror movie.
After Lock 20, I cruised across Lake Onieda. I had no idea that that lake was so big. But, I had a smooth crossing and made it to Ess-Kay Yards. Nice place. The night I tied up there, the forecast was for thunderstorms. So, I decided to stay and get some work done on the boat. the center windshield wiper tore loose from its moorings. I had used the wipers a lot coming up the intra-coastal and didn't want to continue on without it.
Parts had to be ordered, fortunately from a near-by supplier, and the old wiper motor had to be removed. The mechanic beat on the wiper arm for about an hour before it finally let loose. Needless to say that at $95 an hour, it was an expensive removal. When the new motor arrived the following day, he got it installed and I was on my way.
I cruised to Baldwinsville, NY and tied up to a lock wall for the night. Gotta love the free walls. But, I didn't get there until late, so all I did was tie up and retire for the night.
Next morning, I looked online for a place to fuel up. The only place close only accepted cash and I didn't have any. I looked at my credit union's ATM finder and saw that there was a free ATM near where I was tied up. And... wait for it... it was located in a Duncan Donut's shop. Score! Cash and a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel before 9am. I love my life.
Next stop Lyons, NY. 

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