Saturday, July 8, 2017

What a Week!

After the grounding and the days spent in Beach Haven avoiding the wind, I had a pretty good cruise up to an anchorage in Silver Bay (NJ). The anchorage turned out to be really popular with the local boating crowd. There were scores of boats on anchor. Most were just there for the day. Many were on anchor overnight. What I couldn't get over was the discourteousness of the boaters not on anchor. Many, with rather large boats, cruised through the anchorage at high speed, throwing a huge wake behind them. I was rocking and rolling until well after dark. And then got woken in the morning by even more high speed boaters. When I went to bed, I wasn't real sure on where I was going to go, but I knew that I had to get out of there.
I looked at my charts and found that there was a marina in Belmar, New Jersey. I called and found that they had a slip available. I was grateful for that, but I was a little scared about the fact that I would have to go out into the Atlantic. That would be Traveler's first taste of real ocean.
It was a relatively short trip to Belmar and the Atlantic decided to be real cooperative, smooth, calm, and virtually no wind.
When I got to Belmar, I got fueled up, pumped out, and tied up in no time at all. Really nice dockhands. I realized that the next day was the Fourth of July and if I left Belmar, I'd be traveling through New York harbor on the Fourth. That was a not-starter, so I checked with the marina office and arranged to stay until the 5th.
Behind the Statue of Liberty 7/5/17
The big boat across the dock from me had his hailing port listed as New York, New York. I figured he would be familiar with the waters so I asked his advice. Jim said that I should cruise straight into the harbor and anchor out behind the Statue of Liberty.
Again, I was pretty scared at the prospect of cruising the Atlantic. I was also pretty intimidated at the prospect of taking my little boat through New York Harbor. But, I got up early and got underway. The Atlantic was not as calm as I had hoped for, but it wasn't bad, either. I got beat up by a couple of really big ships, but I tucked in behind the Statue of Liberty. There was only one other boat on anchor. I had a pretty quiet night.
I was going to head to Tarrytown, NY, but the belts (water pump/alternator) starting making a lot of noise. I decided to divert to Ossining, NY. I headed to Westerly Marina. Among other things, they are a Yanmar (my engine) certified shop. Good call on my part. They were able to get the belts and replace them in short order. I had to spend an extra night, but that was OK, too.
I called my high school buddy, Lou. He and his wife, Toni, came down and got me. We went out and had pizzas and drinks. I had a great time visiting and catching up.
And that brings me to Poughkeepsie. I got up fairly early this morning and set out for Shadows Marina. I had a gorgeous cruise up the Hudson. I passed Peekskill, the Bear Mountain Bridge, and West Point. It was a beautiful day and I made great time. I got here and got settled in for the night. It all went so well that I decided to change the oil in the engine. It had just come due. So, it was a productive day, too.

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