Monday, April 10, 2017

High Speed, Long Distance Run

If you consider 6 knots or 44 nautical miles to be high speed or long distance.

After yesterday’s great cruise, I checked into St. Andrew’s Marina. It is a municipal marina and the services were great. The people were really nice, too. It's inexpensive and they give a $0.10 per gallon discount to US Boat members. Yeah, it was only 70 cents. But, I plan on burning about 5,000 gallons.

I met a whole bunch of really nice people there. Bill and Deb showed me their houseboat. Then, Bill took me in his car to do some grocery shopping and get some necessary electric conversion plugs.

Had a great night’s sleep. Up and out early for my HS/LD run. I filled up with diesel and headed out. My destination was Wimico Lake. I plotted two alternate destinations, just in case. I throttled up to nearly full power and my GPS told me it would be about 6 hours to arrival. I’m learning that I need to add about an hour to the estimate. There is the wind variable, the current variable, and a couple of “no wake zones” (you have to slow to a crawl due to docked boats or erosion prevention).

En route, I checked my alternate destinations. They were both viable, but I wanted the miles. There were so few other boats to be seen. I’m just amazed at how little traffic there is in this part of the intra-coastal. I arrived on the lake and set my anchor. It was a little choppy, but not bad.

I made some dinner, filled out my log books, plotted my next course, and hit the bed early. Looks like another long day tomorrow.

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