Friday, April 28, 2017

Tarpon Springs

I wound up spending an extra night in the Skeleton Key Marina. Nice, inexpensive, and well sheltered. It was a good place to stay to avoid the high winds on the Gulf.
I got a reasonably early start and made for Turtle Cove Marina in Tarpon Springs.
Turtle Cove was a nice, but odd, marina. It has huge boat storage facilities. The Bull's are constantly putting boats in and taking boats out. The facilities are really nice. But, the restrooms/showers are at least a quarter mile walk. I had to go out of a locked gate to walk down the street to get back in through a locked gate. The oddity continues. There is a Tiki Bar, closed. There is a really comfy looking lounge area, closed. Nice pool with water fountains, nobody there. Perhaps is the off season, I don't know. I did spend a nice afternoon there. Had a shower. Got good WiFi.
I walked into town for dinner. It's a nice little town, full of Greek heritage. Apparently it comes from the sponge divers that emigrated here from Greece. I found a restaurant that I thought looked good, Costa's. I had tzatziki and warm pita. I followed that up with some avgolemono and for dinner - bakaliaros with skordalia. I also had a couple of retsinas to help wash it down. It was really fun.
I walked back to the marina, got on the boat, and had a really nice night's sleep.

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