Friday, September 22, 2017

August 24 - 26, 2017

My journey up the east coast of Michigan continued with hops to Presque Isle, Hammond Bay, and Straits State Harbor. The water was alternately calm and rough, but nothing so rough as the crossing of Saginaw Bay. There isn't too much that I can say about this part of the cruise. Again, I was 2-3 miles off shore and cruising in a straight line for 4 or 5 or 6 hours.
I continue to be amazed by the marinas in Michigan. Again, all nice, well maintained, nice dockhands, and clean facilities. A concern of mine, early on, was the availability of diesel fuel. Just about all of these marinas had fuel.
My last day cruising Lake Huron was the 26th. I pulled into Straits State Harbor and was greeted by my friends from the RV park in Florida, Gary and Sally. I know that they'll read this, so I won't embarrass them. I'll just say that they are really, really nice people. It was great to see them again. They took me out to lunch. I had a pasty that was absolutely delicious. We rode around town a bit. The town is in the shadow of the Mackinaw Bridge and really touristy. People living above the bridge are Yoopers (from the Upper Peninsula -U-Pers) and people on the lower peninsula are Trolls. Under the bridge (get it?). Gary asked if I liked smoked fish. I said I did, so we stopped at a smoked fish shop. I bought a piece of smoked salmon and a container of "pate". The pate is cream cheese, onions, spices, and smoked whitefish blended together. That was really good, too. We browsed around an arts and crafts fair and all too soon, they had to head home.
I spent my last night on Huron sleeping soundly while tied to the pier in Straits State Harbor. Tomorrow, Lake Michigan.

Poe Reef Light

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