Monday, September 18, 2017

Hop to Alpena, Michigan

August 21, 2017
Well, I finally got a weather forecast right. The trip to Alpena was fairly nice. These harbors in Michigan are just great. They've all been clean and efficient. Alpena was no exception.
Lots happened in Alpena. I made a run to Walmart and got some shopping done. I went out for dinner one night (not particularly good ribs). I changed the transmission oil and while doing so, I broke the transmission dipstick. The gentleman running the parts/repair shop on site was really helpful, but in the end I had to glue the dipstick back together. I'm hoping that it holds until I can buy a replacement.
I also met a lovely couple on the boat across from mine. We drank wine on their boat (beautiful new boat) two nights in a row. We're now Facebook friends.
Alpena's "Little Red"
After two days of being on hold due to weather, I was finally able to head out for Presque Isle.

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